Outlined below are several frequently asked questions. If you have a question that does not appear here, please send us a note or you can call a USPPG representative at 1-877-MY-USPPG (1-877-698-7774) and we will be glad to answer it.

U.S. Physicians Purchasing Group (USPPG) is a medical buying group serving private physicians and medical practices nationwide.
USPPG negotiates preferred pricing on vaccines by leveraging the purchasing power of our growing participant base and offers this contract pricing to our participants for FREE.
Your practice benefits tremendously because you will be receiving favorable pricing, and payment terms that can only be obtained by such a participation.
Your savings depends on the manufacturer and can vary according to products and services used throughout the year. On average, our participants save 15-20%.
Because of USPPG’s large network of participant practices, our vaccine purchasing program allows substantial savings even at small purchasing levels. First, you need to be an USPPG participant. Click here to enroll. Upon participation approval, we will notify you on how to obtain contract pricing, promotional discounts from your specified supplier(s).
Go to the Vaccine Purchasing Program page, fill out the required information and submit your application to us. It’s that easy!
There is no participation fee to become a USPPG participant. It’s FREE to all qualified physician and medical practices.
No, your USPPG participation is automatically renewed.
Yes, your application needs to be approved. Upon receipt of your completed registration form, USPPG staff will verify that your office is a legitimate medical practice. Afterwards, we will send you a secure password via email so you can begin accessing contract pricing on our website. The approval process takes only minutes.
We will be glad to assist you with this change. You can contact us by calling our toll-free number (1-877-698-7774) or sending an email to customercare@usppg.org.
You need to check with your IPA or hospital network first because there could be restrictions. However, there are USPPG participants who already belong to an IPA or hospital network.
No, you continue to order through your GSK-approved distributor or directly with GSK (click here). We strictly negotiate contract pricing on products and services. Once you are a USPPG participant, you will be instructed on how to place orders depending on the supplier(s) you use. 

If you are a USPPG participant and purchase your vaccines through GlaxoSmithKline, you need to go to the GSK website and register for inclusion on the vaccine contract. You will receive a notice from GSK confirming receipt your application. After they verify the DEA number associated with the practice you will receive a “Notice of Acceptance” from GSK. The entire GSK process takes approximately 2-3 days.

There are no purchasing minimums when purchasing vaccines, Please contact USPPG for more information.
USPPG does not collect payments from participants. For orders placed with GSK or a vendor, the payment method depends on distributor, supplier and manufacturer requirements.
You will not benefit from our negotiated discounted pricing on products and services, nor will you receive any cost benefits from product promotions.
Yes, you will be notified by email of any manufacturer promotion. Therefore, it is vital we have a valid email address attached to your USPPG enrollment. If you need to provide, verify or change an email address, please notify us immediately.
Yes, we offer discounted pricing on various supplies and services. We also offer personalized service by negotiating pricing on behalf of an individual participant if they require something specific. As we continue to expand our product/service offering, you will be notified by email of these changes or you can check our website.
Yes, you can call our toll-free number 1-877-MY-USPPG (1-877-698-7774).
If you move or have other changes to your contact/shipping information, please let us know immediately by calling us or sending an email to usppg@usppg.org. We will update your contact information in our files and make all required notifications for you. Please be sure to provide us with both your new and old contact information.